Saturday, September 1, 2012

Piazza della Signoria e Piazza del Duomo

Alright, I have lots of pictures for y'all today. I finally slept for longer than 3 hours (woohoo!), the only downside being that I slept until four. Still, approximately 11 hours of sleep was exactly what my body needed. I felt rested, albeit a bit hungry, so I had a slice of leftover pizza from last night (margherita) and a few fresh blackberries for a late lunch before hitting the streets. I started off at the Piazza Santa Croce by my apartment and worked my way through Piazza della Signoria, Piazza del Duomo, and Piazza della Repubblica. I don't know the names of most of these statues, and for that I apologize, but I hope you like the pictures nonetheless. Enjoy!
This is my street.

 Piazza Santa Croce
 Basilica di Santa Croce

 Piazza Santa Croce
 Borgo di Greccio
 Pinocchio Shop

 Piazza della Signoria

Copy of the David (this is where the real one used to be before the Accademia)

 "Rape of the Sabine Women"

A few statues outside one of the churches.

 Piazza della Repubblica

 The Duomo.

 Ghibberti's "Gates of Paradise"

 More of the Duomo.

 A few statues outside of the Duomo.

Hope y'all like the pictures! Tomorrow I'm going to the Uffizi Museum with Nelson and possibly a few of my roommates. If I can take pictures, I definitely will. Love and miss you all :)

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